Site 156
Metropolis Towers (formerly Gregory Park Apartments)
270-280 Munoz Marin
Jersey City, N.J. 07302
Municipal Blocks and Lots:
Block 13101, Lots 1 and 2
Click here for view of map
June 2022: Consent Judgment Compliance Letter (AOC3)
September 2020: RIR/RAWP/RAR Building 2 – Boiler Room Subslab Soil and Interior Concrete Surfaces (AOC 3)
Table 3: AOC 3 Sample Results by Phase for Hexavalent Chromium and CCPW Metals Site 156 – Building #2 Boiler Room
Figure 1: USGS Site Location Map
Figure 2: Areas of Concern (AOC)
Figure 3: Subslab Soil Sample Hexavalent Chromium Results, (Samples Collected: 2013 and 2014)
Figure 3A: Boiler Circulation Water and Groundwater (Test Pit & Sump) Sample Hexavalent Chromium Results, (Samples Collected: 2012 and 2014)
Figure 4: Below Surface (Bottom) Slab Concrete Sample Hexavalent Chromium Results, (Samples Collected: 2013, 2014 and 2016)
Figure 5: Surface Slab (Top) Concrete Sample Hexavalent Chromium Results, (Samples Collected: 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016)
Figure 6: Other Column Concrete Sample Hexavalent Chromium Results, (Samples Collected: 2013)
Figure 7: Hexavalent Chromium Results for Concrete Samples Obtained Within the Column IRM, (Samples Collected: 2012 and 2013)
Figure 8: Hexavalent Chromium Results for Concrete Samples Obtained Above the Column IRM, (Samples Collected: 2013)
Figure 9: Test Pit Sample Hexavalent Chromium Results, (Samples Collected: 2014)
Figure 10: Conceptual Site Model
Figure 11: RetroCoatTM Coating and Remedial Action Restricted Area Limits, Concrete
Figure 12: Remedial Action Extents – Soil, (Samples Collected: 2013 and 2014)
Appendix A: Agency Correspondence
Appendix B: Previous Reports
Appendix C: Bills of Lading
Appendix D: Remedial Action Engineering Control Inspection Reports
Appendix E: Geophysical Survey Reports
Appendix F: Boring Logs
Appendix G: Laboratory Data Packages and Electronic Data Deliverables
Appendix H: Data Validation Reports
Appendix I: Feasibility Study Reports - Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Appendix J1: Deed Notice
Appendix J2: Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Manual
Appendix K: Health and Safety Plan
Appendix L: Field Sampling Plan – Quality Assurance Project Plan
June 2019: Consent Judgment Compliance Letter (AOC1 and AOC2)
July 2018: Remedial Action Report
Table 1: Soil Remediation Standards for CCPW Metals
Table 2: Hexavalent Chromium and CCPW Metals for In-Place Soil
Table 3: Area and Perimeter of Layout Areas
Table 4: Number of Confirmation Samples by Layout Area
Table 5: Samples Remaining in Place with Hex Chrome Concentrations Exceeding the 20 mg/mg CrSCC
Table 6: Boring B74 Hex Chrome Sample Results
Table 7: Hex Chrome Sample Result from Boring PE-81 Exceeding the CrSCC
Table 8: COPR in Borings without Remaining Samples
Figure 1: USGS Site Location Map
Figure 2: Areas of Concern and Remedial Layout Areas
Figure 3A: Remedial Investigation and Remedial Action Sample Locations - AOC 1 - Excluding Supplemental Layout Area 3
Figure 3B: Remedial investigation and Remedial Action Sample Locations - AOC 1 - Supplemental Layout Area 3
Figure 4A: Sample Map for Hex Chrome Compared to Chromium Soil Clean Up Criterion - Remediated Area
Figure 4B: Sample Map for Hex Chrome Compared to Chromium Soil Clean Up Criterion - Outer Areas
Figure 5A: Sample Map for CCPW Metals Compared to Soil Remediation Standards and Site Impact to Groundwater Site Remediation Standards - Remediated Area
Figure 5B: Sample Map for CCPW Metals Compared to Soil Remediation Standards and Site Impact to Groundwater Site Remediation Standards - Outer Areas
Photo 1: Grid J1, CCPW Removed
Photo 2: Grid J1, Under the Grade Beam
Appendix A: Previous Reports
Appendix B: NJDEP Correspondence
Appendix C: Site Remediation Program Forms
Appendix D: Work Plans
Appendix E: Remedial Investigation Memoranda for Sampling Conducted in 2017
Appendix F: Electronic Data Deliverables
Appendix G: Post-Excavation As-Built Drawings
Appendix H: Air-Monitoring Reports
Appendix I: Waste Documentation
Appendix J: Permit Documentation
Appendix K: Clean Backfill Documentation
Appendix L: Laboratory Data Packages
Appendix M: Data Validation Reports
Appendix N: Boring Logs
Appendix O: Compliance Averaging Memorandum
November 2012: Remedial Action Work Plan
Appendix A: PPG RI Soil Sample Results – Hexavalent Chromium; Ground Water Results
Appendix B: Langan Soil Sample Results – Chromium Parameters
Appendix C: Langan Soil Sample Results – Non-Chromium Parameters
Appendix D: PPG RAWP, 2006 Supplemental and 2011 Supplemental Sampling Results – Analytical Results, Boring Logs, Additional Figures
Appendix E: Project Air Monitoring Plan And Air Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan
Appendix F: Worker Health & Safety Plan Framework
Appendix G: Laboratory Data Packages and Data Validation Reports
June 2019: Consent Judgment Compliance Letter
June 2018: Remedial Investigation Report
Table 1: Well Construction Details
Table 2: Depth to Water Readings
Table 3: Hexavalent Chromium and CCPW Metals Results in Groundwater Collected in 2016 and 2017
Figure 1: USGS Site Location Map
Figure 2: Areas of Concern and Remedial Layout Areas
Figure 3: Sample Map for CCPW Metals Compared to GWQS
Figure 4: Shallow Groundwater Zone Contours May 10, 2016
Figure 5: Shallow Groundwater Zone Contours June 16, 2016
Figure 6: Shallow Groundwater Zone Contours Nov. 21, 2017
Figure 7: Shallow Groundwater Zone Contours Dec. 21, 2017
Appendix A: Site Remediation Program Forms
Appendix B: NJDEP Correspondence
Appendix C: Previous Reports
Appendix D: Work Plans
Appendix E: Field Logs
Appendix F: Waste Documentation
Appendix G: Laboratory Data Packages
Appendix H: Data Validation Reports
Appendix I: Electronic Data Deliverables